7 Healthy Lifestyle Changes to Help Ease Anxiety… Especially in 2021

Anxiety is among the most common health conditions for both youth and adults. According to recent studies, around 284 million people worldwide struggle with anxiety. If you ignore this disorder, that is to say habitual anxiety, you will increase your chances of creating and developing negatively impactful chronic conditions. That is why you should learn how to introduce some simple and healthy lifestyle changes to help ease the amount of anxiety in your life, or at least assist you in managing it in a more health-promoting fashion. Continue reading and we will share details on 7 such behavioral changes that can have a positive impact on your life. 

  1. Look for ways to relax yourself 

It is critical to schedule and commit to consistent relaxation time, to both unwind and quiet the mind and body with the goal of reducing stress. Most days, our brains and bodies operate on autopilot, with little time set aside to check in with how we are feeling or to simply take a few deep breaths. The body’s fight-or-flight hormones are activated when you are constantly elevated and on high alert, which causes anxiety. While these hormones are necessary for survival and alerting us to danger, flooding our systems with them too frequently may be harmful and lead to a variety of health problems.

  1. Get active 

We were created to move! To sit, stand, hop, bend, flex, stretch, jump, and even run. Regular movement and exercise can help with sleep, mobility, and our overall wellbeing, as well as cognitive function, self-esteem, and mood, all of which can help to alleviate anxiety. Of course, there are several workout and movement choices. It’s critical to select an activity or exercise that you love, are ready to commit to performing on a regular basis, and that helps you relax. In other words, while rock climbing is a great way to get some exercise, high-adventure activities may raise anxiety. Again, it is a matter of personal choice. Tai chi and Yoga are all excellent examples of mind-body activities for decreasing anxiety. An action as simple as walking has been proven to provide a wide array of benefits and it’s an attainable goal for anyone looking to up their level of activity.

  1. Try to get a better sleep at night 

Sleep is crucial for numerous reasons when it comes to our health and wellness objectives. This includes but is not limited to our mental and emotional wellbeing. Despite this fact, we continue to forgo sleep as a culture. Far too often we brag about how productive we are believing that functioning on minimal rest is a sign of strength. We stay up late working, learning, caring for family, staring at various screens, and squeezing in downtime to fulfill the demands of contemporary life. However, sleeping for fewer than six hours consistently can produce dire consequences for our physical health and mental wellness. Also, if we’re already dealing with chronic anxiety a lack of sleep will only negatively impact the situation.

  1. Detoxify yourself 

While certain environmental toxins are more difficult to eradicate than others, such as those that are beyond our control (air, soil, water quality, etc.), decreasing some of these toxins is achievable and totally within our control. It’s all about beginning where you are and what you can do. Cleaning products are a good place to start. There are tons of organic, natural, and DIY cleaning ideas abound on the internet, and you can make them for a fraction of the price of store-bought products. Lemon, white vinegar, and baking soda are among the most common ingredients. Not only are they less expensive, but they are much safer and less toxic which is huge especially for those with families (children, seniors, etc.), pets, or individuals living with preexisting conditions.

  1. Remain socially connected 

As human beings, we are hardwired for social connections. Our mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as our physical health, benefit positively from various forms of relationships. According to research, healthy social relationships increase our quality of life and lifespan, regulates hormones, lowers illness risk, and reduces anxiety. Social interaction decreases cortisol and raises oxytocin, and given the current state of the world, we could all use a little more love and less stress in our lives.

  1. Take control over your mind 

If for whatever reason your mind is automatically reacting to external stimuli with consistent negative ideas and limiting beliefs, you will most likely feel a high level of anxiety. Regardless of how committed you are to eating whole foods, reducing stress, exercising more, sleeping better, detoxifying your life, and establishing great connections, we must have a healthy relationship with our thoughts and reactions. Anxiety can occur for a variety of reasons and to varying degrees, but what we think, believe, and how we react, on the other hand, is frequently the cause and aggravator.

  1. Eat healthy (WHOLE) food 

The food you consume has a powerful and oftentimes overlooked impact on your mental health. Processed foods are laden with extremely high amounts of refined sugar, sodium, and fat, which if consumed consistently will have a negative effect not just on our minds but our physical brains as well.

Healthy (whole) foods are the ones that are not made from any artificial ingredients such as dyes, colors, additives, refined sugars, and industrial seed oils. They can create a positive impact on your overall nervous system because these are the foods that our bodies were designed to digest. Foods like vegetables, nuts, fruits, and various seeds are whole and packed with nutrients.

Try to shift your eating habits towards these foods as the focus rather than simply a “side”, and choose organic whenever possible. With a plan and regularity, foods like this will work to improve gut health, regulate blood sugar, and reduce inflammation.

On top of that, they provide vitamins and nutrients vital to cognitive function which will, in turn, help you to regulate anxiety.

These are some simple lifestyle changes that any person can try in an attempt to manage their anxiety. All you have to do to begin this journey is become more mindful about what you put into your body.

Lastly, we have to be mature enough to understand that change will require you to exert some extra effort and battle through discomfort while you are introducing these behavioral shifts. Once these changes are in place, over time they will become habits, and eventually, the habits simply become a part of who you are.

Some benefits manifest themselves within a few days while others may take years, but regardless of the amount of time you are worth changing for the better!

For more information regarding a whole food plant-based lifestyle, please contact me at Total Gradual Growth.

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